18 Handpan Makers in the US | Who Makes Handpans in America? | List
There may still be very few handpan makers in the world, and it may mean a trip to find your nearest maker if you want to visit in person. This list will help you locate your nearest.
Who makes handpans in America? – Of the 100 or so handpan makers in the world, luckily around 15% of them are located here, in America. From TerraTonz in Georgia or West Virginia to Saraz in North Carolina. Symphonic Steel is in LA, Isthmus in Wisconsin. We are spoiled in the US with a host of top quality handpan makers.
Below, there are several lists of makers across the US making the best handpans, by State, by brand and further details on lead times and some basic cost guides. Also, find website and Facebook page links as well as YouTube accounts as applicable.
This article only lists handpan makers in the US. I also have a page for handpan makers in the UK, or if you are in another location elsewhere in the world, I recommend this excellent handpan makers directory from MasterTheHandpan
List of Handpan Makers in the US [Alphabetically by Brand]
- Arcana (Colorado)
- Aura Pan (New Jersey)
- Axiom Handpan (Nevada)
- CFoulke (California)
- Daves Island Instruments (California)
- Hamsa Handpan (California)
- HAPI Drum (California)
- Harper’s Handpans (Arizona)
- Isthmus Instruments (Wisconsin)
- Makai Handpans (Hawaii)
- Nirvana Handpan (California)
- OASIS Sound Sculptures
- OHM Handpans
- Pansnap (Texas)
- Pantheon Steel (Missouri)
- Saraz Handpan (North Carolina)
- Spirit Handpans (North Carolina)
- Symphonic Steel (California)
Scroll down the page for more details and my thoughts on each of these US handpan producers.
Which States can I find handpans makers in the US?
The current list of handpan makers in the US that I have collated provides workshops in 12 US states, Including TerraTonz operating from both Georgia and West Virginia, and for a bit of a journey Makai in Hawaii.
If you are in California, chances are your trip to a maker isn’t going to be the longest of anyone reading this handpan maker directory. With no fewer than seven workshops, you are sure to find a high-quality handpan from, Symphonic Steel, HAMSA Hanpdan, HAPI Drum, Daves Island Instruments, Nirvana and Colin Foulke.
Which are the cheapest handpan makers in the US?
I do dislike that ‘Cheap’ word. The price of handpans is coming down. Very slowly. Demand continues to outstrip supply, but with that demand growing at an increased rate every month as more people become aware of the instrument, cheaper imports are appearing. Quality, ‘in most cases’, is somewhat compromised, so my recommendation is to stick with a local creator. There are some very good handpans, off the shelf and in flash sales available at around the $1,200 mark and that is about as low a price as you find on an excellent quality handpan that will remain in tune and last you a lifetime.
Why are there so few handpan makers in America?
Expect the list to grow, as it has done in the last couple of years, but the handpan remains a passion rather than a business opportunity for most makers. It takes years to learn to craft and tune a new handpan perfectly from scratch, and as such, few creators exist. There are no college courses for making handpans [yet], so good quality creators remain in short supply.
That said, with 20 makers from around 100 worldwide, the US is spoiled with 20% of the known handpan workshops.
Who was the first handpan maker in America?
There is no definitive answer to this question that I am aware of and to prevent any arguments starting I shan’t name names. However, despite the original ‘Hang’ being invented in Switzerland around 2000, it took until 2007 for handpan instruments to begin being produced in the US.
Who is the best handpan maker in the US?
It’s a bit like beer! – The best handpan in America is a subjective choice. What one player may desire in a pan may be different from that of another. I have personal favourites in sound such as the TerraTonz TerraPan, but also while at the bottom end of the new handpan price scale, OHM makes an excellent sounding F Dorian instrument with Ding+8 notes.
My advice in choosing the best handpan – take a visit to each of the handpan makers listed on this page. Where possible, find the instrument on YouTube, plug in a good set of earphones and have a listen. You will have your own choice of best handpan maker from this exercise.
You can also find a handpan community on facebook and ask the question. Of course, you will get a lot of different answers. Consider them all, ask for further reasons if required and once again, check them out on YouTube.
A lot of research before deciding where to buy is essential. A handpan is potentially something you will own and cherish for life.
Which handpan maker can deliver the quickest in the US?
The quickest way to have a new handpan delivered in the US is to buy from stock or a flash sale. Dispatch can be within days and delivery very shortly afterwards.
If you are looking for a bespoke tuned handpan to your personal specification, then lead times will be very different. Handpans are not created overnight as I am sure you know. Deman remains high, and waiting lists can be lengthy.
I refrain from listing waiting times here on site as I find it unfair. These periods can change in length, and the information may become out of date as orders are cleared, or indeed as demand rises.
You can reasonably expect to wait for anything from three months to over a year. But again, please do contact your chose manufacturer, have a chat, even visit and establish the expected waiting time.
You will, at the very least, have to pay a deposit on your order, and on occasion, pay the entire cost upfront. These lead times are standard, so do not be surprised. And be patient. Your own handpan, built to your specification, will be one of the most satisfying purchases you are likely ever to make.
US Handpan Makers Directory and Guide
Below is a full list of handpan workshops in the US, with a little more detail to help you choose which creators you would like to find out more information about. As new handpans makers in America become apparent, I will add them to the list.
Arcana (Colorado)
Josh Keegan and Jarred Houseman are the builders at Arcana Handpans and have a history of musical background.
Current stock may be available at any time. If you have specific requirements, contact Arcana, make an appointment to discuss what you want, and your new handpan will begin its journey.
At the time of writing it is also possible to contact a couple of outlets in Colorado, in Denver and Boulder, where Arcana products may be for sale.
Aura Pan (New Jersey)
Interesting Fact – The first AURA instrument was tuned in 2011 from a Pizza pan. That was a long time ago, and since Jon Antzoulis has perfected his art of steel tuning to produce the AURA handpan.
The ‘Enigma’ was completed in 2014 and the rest, as they say, is history.
Jon is not afraid of creating any scale instrument, and the inclusion of additional notes [at a cost], and the website has a brilliant source of info on all that is available, including current pricing.
Axiom Handpan (Nevada)
Axiom has learned the craft of handpan making through thousands of hours of toil, trial and error. The result is very high-quality handpan renowned for clarity, tonality, producing beautiful sustain.
Axiom has a convenient mailing list to chich to subscribe on site. Subscribing to the list will offer you the chance to find out first about, promotions, new instruments and planned batch production.
At the time of writing, there are two beautiful looking pans available for immediate sale. Both C# Celtic Minors, 1 x 9 note and a 12 note too!
CFoulke (California)
Colin Foulke is ‘The Student of Steel’ – His instruments are made from scratch beginning life as a flat sheet of steel, through to the finished product. Be sure of passion, focus and sincere intention with Colin’s Æther.
Also, if you are a podcast fan, I recommend searching out the Studen of Steel podcasts, to experience yourself the passion Colin has in creating his Æther.
What you get with a Æther is more than a great sounding handpan, you also get a great looking one too! They are quite unmistakable.
Daves Island Instruments (California)
Dave does more than handpans, as his website name might suggest, but rest assured, Dave Beery, handcrafts some wonderful handpans to order from his Lakewood, California base.
All handpans feature nitrided steel, and the GAIA comes with a host of accessories. You are free to make an appointment at Lakewood and Dii come highly recommended.
Hamsa Handpan (California)
Another California producer from just outside downtown LA. You can visit the shop by appointment only and pre-ordering is highly advised.
Tongue drums are available from stock and cases, and stands are also available from the accessory range.
Stevan has been creating the Hamsa handpan since 2015
HAPI Drum (California)
Primarily a Tank Drum or Tongue drum producer, steel handpans are now being created and made available by HAPI.
There were items available from stock when I visited the website, which is handy to know. But if Oakhurst is not too far a journey, as always I recommend a visit to see, feel, touch and experience your potential next, or first handpan.
Harper’s Handpans (Arizona)
You may be fortunate to find any handpan immediately available from Harpers.
I want to tell you a little more about this company, but I do not know them personally, and the about page on the website offers little insight into the operation. Instead, it defines a happy bunch!
I would recommend getting in touch for further information!
Isthmus Instruments (Wisconsin)
Isthmus creations can be very eye-catching with some gorgeous detailing. The only producer in Wisconsin, the team of creators, include Jenny Robinson, Shlomo Calvo and April Moncrief.
Isthmus Tip – Subscribe to the Isthmus newsletter and receive a discount coupon code
Makai Handpans (Hawaii)
I have this vision of taking a break in Hawaii, visiting Makai and getting my order in, and returning when ready to pick it up and staying for a while to bond with my handpan.
You have the choice of your favoured scale, number of notes and can even choose a 432 or 440 tuning. Remember that 432 will often leave you unable to play with other handpan players unless they have similar hertz tuning.
Makai handpans are custom made and one of a kind. You will own an extraordinary piece of steel.
Nirvana Handpan (California)
Off to Cali again! – Terence Jay produces some exquisite handmade instruments, but also offering short lead times.
They claim to be able to deliver custom orders within 4-8 weeks of order and also have the option of mini-handpans. Ideal for travelling.
You’ll be looking to spend upwards of $2000 per instrument with additional notes, subject to availability at an extra $250.
OASIS Sound Sculptures (California)
Based in Los Angeles Oasis Sound Sculpture, Adrian Ensor creates some fantastic sounding handpans.
OHM Handpans
OHM has some beautiful sounding handpans available for around the $1,200 mark, and they sound quite impressive.
The home page of a light website offers the range of sound models available and videos of those that are.
There is little in the way of further information, but the sound of these has pricked up my ears enough to endeavour to discover more. I will update this section in
Pansnap (Texas)
Creators of the SOLARIS handpan, Bryant Evangelista is the creator responsible for the attention to detail that goes into all Pansnap instruments.
Based in Auston Texas, PanSnap was/is closely linked to Daves Island Instruments as explained on the website. He started working with handpans in 2013 in what was the early versions of Dii’s Genisis.
Bryant and Pansnap stand alone with the Solaris brand, and you will find a range and pricing on the site.
Pantheon Steel (Missouri)
Even if you are only discovering more about handpans for the first time, you may have come across the Pantheon Steel name already. If not, then ‘The Halo’ may strike a chord.
Anyway, Pantheon has been around for as long as handpans in America having been founded in 2004 by Kyle Cox. From spiritual beginnings, Pantheon has grown to one of the widest known handpan manufacturers in the world.
The Halo is not readily available such is the demand, so the advice is to head to the website, sign up to the e-mail list, and be notified when orders are opened up once again.
Saraz Handpan (North Carolina)
Another name you may have already come across. Saraz in North Carolina is another of the biggest names in Handpan creation hailing from the US. Coming sometime after Pantheon, and as late as 2011, Mark Garner began his handpan journey after discovering the original Hang from PANArt back in 2009.
The Saraz Crew has grown since, and you’ll find a remarkable range of top quality instruments for sale on site.
Along with custom orders and a range of accessories, Saraz can deliver to the beginner, or indeed the professional handpan musician.
You’ll own a brand that is widely known thanks to massive coverage within the handpan community and National TV.
Spirit Handpans (North Carolina)
Spirit is based in North Carolina too, and offer a range of 7, 8 and 9 note circles, with the option of additional tones on the bottom section. At 53cm in diameter they are a handful, or should I say lapful?
Rebecca is the founder, builder and tuner of Spirit handpans and as many creators and many of us enthusiasts discovered handpans by stumbling across a PANArt hang on YouTube.
Founded in 2016 Spirit make some beautiful instruments, ship worldwide and offer a ton of information on the website.
Symphonic Steel (California)
Feel free to contact Symphonic via e-mail and make an appointment if you would like to visit and discuss your personal handpan needs.
The Iskra is the flagship model of Symphonic Steel. There is a model called the Flagship, accompanied by the Motif, and Artisan.
A full range of scales and sounds are available to order. Shipment is available and depending on locations will be covered by around $60-$120